his lying, sinful forehead — Abdul Haleem (Translation)

Regions of deceit

Although several brain areas appear to play a role in deception, the most consistent finding across multiple fMRI studies is that activity in the prefrontal cortex increases when people lie. The prefrontal cortex, situated just behind the forehead, is a collection of regions responsible for executive control (the ability to regulate thoughts or actions to achieve goals). Executive control includes cognitive processes such as planning, problem solving, and attention — all important components of deception — so it’s no surprise the prefrontal cortex is active when we lie. Dishonesty requires the brain to work harder than honesty, and this effort is reflected by increased brain activity. – BrainFacts.Org

It has also recently been shown that pathologic liars have enhanced prefrontal white matter.

Localisation of increased prefrontal white matter in pathological liars: “Liars showed a relatively widespread increase in white matter (23-36%) in orbitofrontal, middle and inferior, but not superior, frontal gyri compared with antisocial and normal controls. This white matter increase may predispose some individuals to pathological lying.” Localisation of increased prefrontal white matter in pathological liars. Yang Y, Raine A, Narr KL, Lencz T, LaCasse L, Colletti P, Toga AW. Br J Psychiatry. 2007 Feb;190:174-5. PubMed PMID: 17267937.

This science fact was recently established via complex studies utilizing MRI and brain scans; however, the Quran nearly 1400 years ago specifically states disbelievers will be dragged from their lying sinful forehead/forelock.