Space, often referred to as the cosmos, is the seemingly infinite and boundless expanse that exists beyond Earth’s atmosphere. It is a near-perfect vacuum characterized by the absence of matter, air, and atmosphere. Space is not only a void but a dynamic arena filled with celestial bodies, galaxies, stars, planets, and a myriad of cosmic phenomena.

Space presents extreme conditions, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and the absence of a breathable atmosphere, which pose challenges to human exploration. Only in modern times has man even been able to begin attempting to explore the vast boundaries of space. As experience and data grows –  new physiologic information on the human body in space comes to light. 

Space Flight-Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome (SANS) —formerly called visual impairment and intracranial pressure (VIIP) syndrome[1]- is a medical condition observed in astronauts that spend extended periods in microgravity environments, such as those experienced during spaceflight. SANS was first identified as a concern during long-duration space missions on the International Space Station (ISS). Microgravity conditions seem to contribute to changes in fluid distribution in the body, including the head and eyes.

Examination findings include:

  • Visual acuity= Increased hyperopic sphere.[2]
  • Cycloplegic and manifest refraction= normal to near normal vision.
  • Fundoscopic exam= Disc edema, cotton wool spots, glutting of the superior and inferior nerve fibers[3], and choroidal folds.[2][7]. Asymptomatic cases of bilateral, asymmetrical optic disc edema can occur in SANS.[3]

One of the key features of SANS is optic disc edema (or Papilledema), which involves swelling of the optic nerve head. Fluid shifts in microgravity may lead to increased intracranial pressure, affecting the optic nerve and causing changes in the back of the eye. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies have revealed changes in the anatomy of the eye, such as flattening of the back of the eyeball and changes in the shape of the optic nerve.

The symptoms astronauts with SANS often experience include visual impairment- including a decrease in visual acuity and changes in the ability to perceive contrast and depth along with neurological symptoms (such as headaches/dizziness/balance issues). These visual changes can persist even after the astronauts return to Earth.

In Surah Al Hijr – verse 14-15 – Allah (swt) mentions that even if mankind ascended into the cosmos toward the heavens – even if mankind saw that phenomenon with their own eyes – most would call it deception or magic and not believe. 

This is not a novel concept –  the miracles of prophets such as Moses (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh) are well documented amongst many religions and peoples – and despite those being in the presence of direct miracles the majority did not believe / continued to oppress / or quickly reverted back to sin. 

Ayah 15 is often translated into english as the eyes (عيون) are “dazzled” – “They would say – our eyes have been dazzled” –  however, the Arabic word for dazzled or astonished or hypnotized even is typically – Mabhur (مبهور). A quick Google translate (shown below can verify this):

The Quran uses the word – Sukkirat (سُكِّرَتْ) with the root سكران –> this term refers more specifically to getting drunk (Google Translate below):


Most research (and common sense) – would realize that when one is drunk the acute changes/symptoms on the eyes include blurry vision, double vision, color vision impairment, eye movement changes, poor night vision –  on top of the known balance, cognitive, emotional effects of acute inebriation. Those seem to very accurately describe some of the visual and neurological consequences of ascending past the stratosphere! Truly remarkable wording for those who choose to ponder (and open their eyes)!